
GOAD - part 4 - poison and relay

In the previous post (Goad pwning part3) we start to dig on what to do when you got a user account. Before start exploiting the VMs with a user account, we will just step back to the state (without...

GOAD - part 3 - enumeration with user

We found some users on Goad pwning part2, now let see what we can do with those creds. User listing When you get an account on an active directory, the first thing to do is always getting th...

GOAD - part 2 - find users

We have done some basic reconnaissance on Goad pwning part1, now we will try to enumerate users and start to hunt credentials. Enumerate DC’s anonymously With CME cme smb --users...

GOAD - part 1 - reconnaissance and scan

The lab is now up and running Goad introduction, let’s do some recon on it. Enumerate Network We will starting the reconnaissance of the Game Of Active Directory environment by searching all the ...

Game Of Active Directory v2

The second version of Game Of Active directory is out! https://github.com/Orange-Cyberdefense/GOAD I spent months to setup this new lab, with a bunch of new features and the result is finally a...

Active Directory Mindmap Upgrade

Light version Full View Dark version Full View Upgrade ADCS details (thx to @Sant0rryu for his help) and ly4k for the awsome https://github.com/ly4k/Certipy tool ! Modifications on dele...

CACTI - RCE Authenticated (CVE-2020-14295)

Description Durant ma préparation pour l’exam de l’OSWE je cherchais un moyen de m’entrainer dans la recherche de vulnérabilités en whitebox. Du coup j’ai pris un produit open source sur étagère...